919 828-0876 vickpenn@bellsouth.net

Archangelic Light Practitioner

Archangelic Light (AL) is a connection with the Archangels and the Angelic realm who are invoked to come through the practitioner to promote healing.  The energy spirals in and throughout the field and is often experienced as a cool, colorful energy.

In this class you will receive high vibration light codes through a dimensional overlay on the left arm . The energy is acquired through an entrainment which occurs throughout the class time.

AL is associated with the divine feminine energies of beings of Light such as Mother Mary, Mother Meera, and Kwan Yin among others.

AL is a beautiful, loving, high vibration field of energy that works powerfully yet gently on the subtle energy systems of the body, removing blockages, releasing stress, and recharging and rebalancing the energy field.

AL is especially effective because it works on core energy at the cellular level and supports positive shifts in consciousness and behavior.

AL works through the power of intention which is expressed by the recipient at the beginning of each session.

I have noticed that many practitioners have developed an increase in psychic awareness and ability after becoming attuned to this powerful, yet gentle energy. 

Also included:

  • Table Protocol, Hand Positions
  • Archangels, Angels and Avatars
  • Composing positive intentions
  • Group healing, self-healing, distance healing, working on pets and water, team healing
  • Anchoring Archangelic Light to promote Earth healing
  • Crystal meditation for Third Eye activation
  • Incorporating Angel Oracle cards into the session
  • A comprehensive study manual, practice time, certificate of completion

There is a definitely different feel and vibration with the Archangelic Light than with Reiki. Come to class to learn more!!


Archangelic Light Master Practitioner

Archangelic Light (AL) is a beautiful and profound spiritual energy.  This energy goes directly to the root cause to promote healing.  The love of the Divine Feminine energy as well as the Angelic and Archangelic energies are often experienced when receiving this energy, and when allowing this energy to flow through you for the benefit of another person, animal or the earth.  Many people experience a strong spiritual connection, immense love, and nurturing while working with this energy as well. 

During the Master class, you will deepen your experience with this beautiful energy and you will receive a geometric, high vibration, grid of light on your right arm.  This will enable you to pass on the light codes to others. You will receive instruction in the entrainment ceremony in which the Practitioner and Master Practitioner intentions are strengthened. You will be empowered to facilitate the entrainment of this energetic vibration at both the beginner and master levels.  This is a transformational experience whether or not you plan to teach this modality.

In addition, you will learn about crystals and gemstones used to enhance Archangelic Light sessions, including specific grids. Please be prepared to verbally share experiences that you had with this energy, for class discussion. You will experience a Divine Masculine meditation as a balance to the feminine energy.  You will also learn about utilizing the energy of Archangelic Light to assist with transition of those who are having difficulty with this. The class will go on a field trip to Oakwood Cemetery to anchor Archangelic Light. As a bonus, you will also experience a guided meditative exercise to enhance the opening of the third eye chakra.

Each new Master Practitioner will receive a gift bag of some of the gemstones discussed in class which enhance the energy of Archangelic Light.  From the heart of our Mother Earth…through my heart…to each of you to promote the expansion of this transformative energy!

The class will go on a field trip to Oakwood Cemetery to anchor the Archangelic Light and to transition Earthbounds. This is a special time of year to experience this as the veil is the thinnest between the worlds at this time!

Pre-requisite = Completion of Archangelic Light Practitioner Training and proficiency in using the energy as a Spiritual Energy Healing modality.