Vickie’s Story
Vickie considers it an honor and a privilege to offer her services to others, be it teaching or facilitating healing. She feels that she has been ordained to do this work and that it is her soul’s purpose. The rewards provided by using subtle, yet powerful energy in combination with other techniques are ample and abundant to both her clients and herself.
“Sharing some of my treasured experiences is perhaps the best way to get to know me. Enjoy.” -Vickie

Called to Heal
The desire to help others achieve optimal health and an enriched life led Vickie to pursue the study and practice of Reiki and Healing Touch. She took her First Degree training in February, 1995 and her life has not been the same since. The door was opened and there was no going back. She has always been clairsentient and her Reiki and Healing Touch training accelerated this ability tremendously. Since 2005, Vickie has been studying Shamanic healing under Dr. Alberto Villoldo and the Healing Light Body School.
Gentle Powerful Energy
Vickie uses several modalities as needed to individualize each healing session. She has developed several healing techniques, using various combinations of these modalities by following the guidance provided to her by Spirit through her intuition. Services
Trusted Teacher
Vickie teaches classes in Traditional Usui Reiki, Archangelic Light, Energetic Cord Cutting, Rites of the Munay-Ki, Crystal Energy Therapy and Past Life Regression. Classes
The Alpha and Omega
We all began our spiritual journey back home to Source perhaps many life times ago. Will this be the lifetime I get it right?
I have always been interested in philosophy, religion and subjects of a metaphysical nature. My interest peaked in high school in the late 60’s during the “hippie era”, but I was diverted in another direction by drugs, sex and rock ‘n’ roll. It was years later that I consciously began to re-explore my interests. I completed my college education in English Education, but Spirit arranged for me to become a geriatric social worker instead of a high school English teacher. This allowed me to see the value in service to others and provided a very rewarding career.
My father was not a warm, embracing man when I was growing up. He lived through the depression, was in the Navy during WW II and Korea , worked hard, was a do-it-yourselfer and was able to retire from his job at age 58. He was then able to do many of the things that interested him and he was continually taking classes and reading books, learning something new at every opportunity. His whole personality changed and he became a man with heart, warm and generous. He passed unexpectedly from a heart attack 10 years later, in the prime of his adventure of self-exploration. His death was a catalyst for my own spiritual awakening. It hit me very hard that life is way too precious to fritter away and that every moment should be maximized to experience its sweetness. I think of my father every day of my life and I thank him for this incredible gift he gave me, this realization of the fragility and wonder of life. So began the exploration into Reiki and Healing Touch and the journey to re-alignment with Spirit.
The Journey Begins
I took my First Degree Reiki training in February of 1995 and it totally changed my life. I was propelled into a world of opening to energy and intuition, with increased psychic insight and vision. I continued my Reiki and Healing Touch training and am now honored to crack open the door into this world for others to enter by teaching Reiki. I think Spirit arranged for me to have professional training as a teacher and provided me the insight that being of service to others is the essence of true spirituality.
In 1999, my daughter and I went skydiving for her 18th birthday. We both did tandem jumps and hers went without a hitch. After I landed, I was informed that my jump was complicated by the fact that my primary parachute malfunctioned and that the instructor had to pull the secondary chute. My angels were definitely with me that day and I was given the awareness of the fine line between life and death.
One of the most important turning points in my journey occurred when I was brutally assaulted. I was pulled by my hair down a hill, beaten with angry, clenched fists and thrown into the floorboard of a pickup truck where I was struck in the head and chest time and again. I was in shock. Then the most incredible thing happened to me. I saw myself surrounded by pink light and a beautiful, calm feeling of love poured forth from my heart to my assailant. Fear left me and I felt secure and protected despite the very real physical pounding I was enduring. I later felt that I was shown a glimpse of another dimension, another reality, something very profound. This feeling welling up in my heart was so pure and sweet, permeating my whole being, enveloping me like fog, and comforting me. I was enfolded by this love and now know exactly how it feels to totally surrender to Spirit, to be without fear, to be complete within myself.
Despite the fact that the lessons keep coming, I feel that I am living my bliss, in faith and trust, in service to others. But I reflect back to my father’s death. What if my service to others is not the ultimate gift? What if the big plan is that my sudden death will be the catalyst for others’ awakening, as his death was for me? Interesting thought. My solution is to continue to live each day as if it is my last and to welcome whatever is in store for me with open arms, surrounded by that pink light of unconditional love, knowing that all is as it should be. Knowing that each and every day is a spiritual journey into itself.
Knowing there is no beginning and there is no ending. Life is good!
The Journey Continues
See more of Vickie’s experiences here: